1 November 2023

To coincide with Lung Cancer Awareness Month, the Lung Cancer Policy Network has published a series of five factsheets to illustrate the value of targeted low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening programmes for lung cancer. The factsheets are backed with expert evidence that can inform policy decisions.

The factsheets succinctly showcase the benefits of LDCT lung cancer screening and detail the key policy considerations that must be addressed to secure the effective roll-out of screening programmes. While the evidence exists, many policymakers are still not fully aware of the burden lung cancer places on people and the implications this has for both health systems and economies.

LDCT screening offers the opportunity to detect lung cancer earlier in people who are at high risk of the disease, allowing more people to benefit from treatment such as curative surgery. When targeted to those at high risk of lung cancer, LDCT screening is a cost-effective approach to improve outcomes from lung cancer.

The factsheets make the case that:

Download the factsheets


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