
The glossary explains some of the words used across this website and covers some key cancer and research terms, which primarily focus on lung cancer.

Health technology assessment (HTA)

A formal multidisciplinary assessment of the medical, social, economic and ethical evidence for the use of an intervention. By adhering to a transparent design, an HTA is a robust tool that can inform health policies around the introduction of new interventions, such as low-dose computed tomography screening.1 2 See also ‘Cost-effectiveness analysis’

High risk

A person (or population) considered to have a high risk of developing lung cancer compared with the general population because of their exposure to certain risk factors or having certain characteristics known to increase the likelihood of developing the disease.3 4 See also ‘Risk factor’ and ‘Risk prediction model’

Holistic care

The provision of care that focuses on the partnership between healthcare professional and patient. It draws from the biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual dimensions of health.5


  1. European Network for Health Technology Assessment. HTA at the European level.  Available from: [Accessed 04/03/22]

  2. NIH National Library of Medicine. HTA 101: Introduction to Health Technology Assessment. [Updated 22/07/2019].  Available from: [Accessed 04/03/22]

  3. Alberg AJ, Nonemaker J. 2008. Who is at high risk for lung cancer? Population-level and individual-level perspectives. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 29(3): 223-32

  4. Corrales L, Rosell R, Cardona AF, et al. 2020. Lung cancer in never smokers: The role of different risk factors other than tobacco smoking. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 148: 102895

  5. Jasemi M, Valizadeh L, Zamanzadeh V, et al. 2017. A Concept Analysis of Holistic Care by Hybrid Model. Indian J Palliat Care 23(1): 71-80