
The glossary explains some of the words used across this website and covers some key cancer and research terms, which primarily focus on lung cancer.


A person who doesn’t currently smoke but may have smoked around 100 cigarettes at some point during their lifetime, perhaps intermittently or for a short period of time.4 This can include people who are former smokers and never smokers. There is contention around the use of non-smoker, as this term can be seen as depersonalising.5 Where it is used on the website this is to reflect its usage in the source literature. The Lung Cancer Policy Network prefers the term ‘person who does not smoke’. See also 'Former smoker' and ‘Never smoker’


A system of agreed-upon names or terms that are used in a specific topic area e.g. radiology.15


  1. Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). National cancer control planning. [Updated 11/02/2019]. Available from: [Accessed 04/03/2022]

  2. World Health Organization. 2020. WHO report on cancer: setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all. Geneva: WHO

  3. American Lung Association. 2022. NTRK and Lung Cancer. Available from: [Accessed 10/08/2023]

  4. Yale Medicine. 2022. Fact sheet: Lung cancer in nonsmokers. [Updated 04/02/22]. Available from: [Accessed 11/04/22]

  5. International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 2021. IASLC Language Guide. Denver: IASLC

  6. Behjati S, Tarpey PS. 2013. What is next generation sequencing? Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed 98(6): 236-8

  7. National Human Genome Research Institute. 2023. DNA Sequencing. Available from: [Accessed 10/08/2023]

  8. McNulty W, Baldwin D. 2019. Management of pulmonary nodules. BJR Open 1(1): 20180051

  9. Massachusetts General Hospital. Pulmonary Nodule Clinic Frequently Asked Questions.  Available from: [Accessed 14/10/24]

  10. Archbold. Lung Nodule Navigator.  Available from: [Accessed 14/10/24]

  11. Borg M, Rasmussen TR, Hilberg O. 2024. Introduction of the Danish Lung Nodule Registry: A part of the Danish Lung Cancer Registry. Cancer Epidemiol 89: 102543

  12. Chae J. 2023. Understanding lung nodules: Determining risks and diagnosing.  Available from: [Accessed 14/10/24]

  13. Bennett JE, Kontis V, Mathers CD, et al. 2020. NCD Countdown 2030: pathways to achieving Sustainable Development Goal target 3.4. The Lancet 396(10255): 918-34

  14. National Cancer Institute. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version. [Updated 04/03/22].  Available from: [Accessed 07/03/22]