About the factsheets

Developed with policymakers in mind, the five factsheets demonstrate the value of implementing targeted LDCT screening programmes for lung cancer and provide expert evidence to inform policy decisions.

Reducing lung cancer mortality rates plays a crucial role in global efforts to improve cancer control and targeted LDCT screening is an important route to achieving that goal.

The factsheets address key policy considerations for the implementation of LDCT lung cancer screening programmes:

The factsheets have been informed by a comprehensive review of the evidence demonstrating the effectiveness and feasibility of targeted LDCT screening, supported by consultations with Network members.

It is our hope that the factsheets can be used for policy engagement, to help illustrate the case for LDCT screening for lung cancer and foster policy commitments to implement screening programmes.

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About the factsheets

Download the factsheets

Factsheet 1: Screening for lung cancer is the next big opportunity for early detection

Factsheet 1: Screening for lung cancer is the next big opportunity for early detection

Factsheet 2: Targeted LDCT screening can help address underlying health inequalities in lung cancer

Factsheet 2: Targeted LDCT screening can help address underlying health inequalities in lung cancer

Factsheet 3: Reducing mortality from lung cancer is essential to improving overall cancer control

Factsheet 3: Reducing mortality from lung cancer is essential to improving overall cancer control

Factsheet 4: LDCT screening offers a targeted approach for early detection of lung cancer in people at highest risk

Factsheet 4: LDCT screening offers a targeted approach for early detection of lung cancer in people at highest risk

Factsheet 5: There is a strong economic case for implementing LDCT screening for lung cancer

Factsheet 5: There is a strong economic case for implementing LDCT screening for lung cancer
