
Type of Material

Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care – summary

Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care – summary

  • Policy resources
This fully referenced, two-page document summarises the Network's report Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care
Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change – summary

Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change – summary

  • Policy resources
This fully referenced, two-page document summarises the Network's report Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change
Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation – summary

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation – summary

  • Policy resources
This fully referenced, two-page document summarises the Network's report Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation
Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care — standalone figures

Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care — standalone figures

  • Policy resources
These fully referenced figures are derived from the Network’s report Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care
Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change — standalone figures

Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change — standalone figures

  • Policy resources
These fully referenced figures are derived from the Network’s report Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change
Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation — standalone figures

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation — standalone figures

  • Policy resources
These fully referenced figures are derived from the Network’s report Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation
Lung cancer policy engagement FAQs

Lung cancer policy engagement FAQs

  • Policy resources
These FAQs have been developed to assist in communicating key facts about lung cancer, screening and earlier detection to policymakers. They have been compiled based on feedback from Network members and provide evidence-based and fully referenced answers to common questions about lung cancer.
Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: a multifaceted approach to lung cancer prevention and early detection in

  • Case study
Network member Professor Ricardo Sales dos Santos shares his insights about the Propulmão project in Brazil, which takes an integrated approach to delivering lung cancer prevention, early detection and screening.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: lung cancer screening in England

  • Case study
A review of key steps in the iterative process that led to the government’s commitment to implementing a national screening programme for lung cancer in England and the importance of building a national evidence base for lung cancer screening, with insights from Network members Professor David Baldwin and Professor John Field.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: lung cancer screening in Croatia

  • Case study
An exploration of key considerations for the success of the lung cancer screening programme in Croatia, assessing the pivotal role that integrated technology and reimbursement for primary care providers have played.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: the opportunity for rapid access to cytologists in the diagnosis of lung cancer in Sweden

  • Case study
Network member Dr Vitali Grozman, Senior Consultant in Thoracic Radiology at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm shares his insights into the potential benefit of immediate access to cytologists in lung cancer diagnosis.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: learning from the implementation of Taiwan’s national lung cancer screening programme

  • Case study
Since 1987, Japan has offered chest X-ray screening to people aged 40 or older, with LDCT screening commonly performed on a voluntary basis. There is ongoing LDCT screening implementation research in the country.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: lung cancer screening in Japan

  • Case study
Since 1987, Japan has offered chest X-ray screening to people aged 40 or older, with LDCT screening commonly performed on a voluntary basis. There is ongoing LDCT screening implementation research in the country.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: lung cancer screening in Poland

  • Case study
Poland has made important contributions to the lung cancer screening agenda in Europe since it first initiated implementation research into LDCT screening in 2008. To date, pilots in Szczecin, Gdańsk, Poznań and Warsaw have screened almost 50,000 people.
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Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map case study: the US national lung cancer screening programme

  • Case study
There are now over 4,000 sites in the US that offer annual LDCT screening as part of the national programme along with significant areas of ongoing implementation research.
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Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (Spanish)

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (Spanish)

  • Reports
The Lung Cancer Policy Network developed this report to highlight the wealth of research in the implementation of lung cancer screening, supported by a variety of global case studies. The report also provides four practical lessons that provide a blueprint for governments and other institutions to build their own targeted screening programmes.
Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (French)

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (French)

  • Reports
The Lung Cancer Policy Network developed this report to highlight the wealth of research in the implementation of lung cancer screening, supported by a variety of global case studies. The report also provides four practical lessons that provide a blueprint for governments and other institutions to build their own targeted screening programmes.
Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (Simplified Chinese)

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (Simplified Chinese)

  • Reports
The Lung Cancer Policy Network developed this report to highlight the wealth of research in the implementation of lung cancer screening, supported by a variety of global case studies. The report also provides four practical lessons that provide a blueprint for governments and other institutions to build their own targeted screening programmes.
Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (Arabic)

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation (Arabic)

  • Reports
The Lung Cancer Policy Network developed this report to highlight the wealth of research in the implementation of lung cancer screening, supported by a variety of global case studies. The report also provides four practical lessons that provide a blueprint for governments and other institutions to build their own targeted screening programmes.
Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change

Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change

  • Reports
This report presents practical and evidence-based tools to support the development and implementation of an early detection strategy for lung cancer. It explores both existing and emerging approaches to early detection, as well as proposing key policy recommendations to inform this strategy development.
Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care

Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care

  • Reports
This report explores the essential role that care pathways play in delivering best-practice lung cancer care. The report was informed by a comprehensive review of the literature and consultation with experts from across the world.
Lung cancer screening factsheets

Lung cancer screening factsheets

  • Factsheets
Factsheets informing policy considerations for the implementation of LDCT screening programmes for lung cancer.
Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on data management and programme evaluation

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on data management and programme evaluation

  • Policy briefs
To help those planning to implement screening programmes, the Network has published a policy brief focused on importance of data management and programme evaluation.
Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on developing a clear protocol for LDCT screening

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on developing a clear protocol for LDCT screening

  • Policy briefs
To help those planning to implement screening programmes, the Network has published a policy brief focused on developing a clear protocol for LDCT screening.
Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on financial planning

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on financial planning

  • Policy briefs
To help those planning to implement screening programmes, the Network has published a policy brief focused on the importance of financial planning.
Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on eligibility and recruitment

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on eligibility and recruitment

  • Policy briefs
To help those planning to implement screening programmes, the Network has published a policy brief focused on eligibility requirements and recruitment.
Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on workforce and technical capacity requirements

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on workforce and technical capacity requirements

  • Policy briefs
To help those planning to implement screening programmes, the Network has published a policy brief focused on workforce and technical capacity requirements.
Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on governance

Supporting the implementation of lung cancer screening: a focus on governance

  • Policy briefs
To help those planning to implement screening programmes, the Network has published a policy brief focusing on the importance of governance.
Global Lung Cancer Coalition Global Lung Cancer Atlas

Interactive map of lung cancer screening

  • Interactive tools
The interactive map of lung cancer screening is designed to be a regularly updated resource that showcases relevant ongoing and recently completed clinical trials, implementation studies, and national or regional organised low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening programmes around the world.
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A framework to support the implementation of LDCT lung cancer screening (Version 1)

A framework to support the implementation of LDCT lung cancer screening (Version 1)

  • Frameworks
The Lung Cancer Policy Network has developed an implementation framework to support those involved in the planning of lung cancer screening programmes around the world.
Lung cancer screening implementation toolkit

Lung cancer screening implementation toolkit

  • Toolkits
The Lung Cancer Policy Network has developed a suite of resources to support those involved in the planning of lung cancer screening programmes around the world.
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Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation

  • Reports
The Lung Cancer Policy Network developed this report to highlight the wealth of research in the implementation of lung cancer screening, supported by a variety of global case studies. The report also provides four practical lessons that provide a blueprint for governments and other institutions to build their own targeted screening programmes.
Building a global evidence map of low-dose CT lung cancer screening implementation

Building a global evidence map of low-dose CT lung cancer screening implementation

  • Conference posters
Presented at the European Lung Cancer Congress 2023, this poster showcases key learnings from the first edition of the Network's Interactive map of lung cancer screening.
Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Webinar: How can health systems optimise the implementation of lung cancer screening?

  • Videos
In May 2023 the Lung Cancer Policy Network hosted a webinar where Network members and guest speakers shared their expertise in lung cancer and health system readiness, highlighting different approaches to optimising implementation.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

An introduction to the Lung Cancer Policy Network’s implementation framework

  • Videos
This video details how the Network's framework can be used to support the implementation of LDCT lung cancer screening. The framework facilitates a robust assessment of the actions needed across all parts of the health system to optimise this implementation.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Expert perspective: Financial planning for lung cancer screening programmes

  • Videos
Professor David Baldwin, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust; University of Nottingham, UK, speaks about the role of modelling and economic evaluations to inform sustainable financing for implementation of lung cancer screening programmes.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Expert perspective: the importance of data monitoring and evaluation in lung cancer screening

  • Videos
Professor Witold Rzyman, University Clinical Centre Medical University speaks about the importance of robust data monitoring and evaluation to facilitate the delivery of a lung cancer screening programme and support quality control.
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Expert perspective: Implementing a lung cancer screening programme

Expert perspective: Implementing a lung cancer screening programme

  • Videos
Dr Ante Marušić shares his experience from the National Lung Cancer Screening Programme, Croatia, which has already led to a clear increase in the early detection of lung cancer.
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Expert perspective: How key stakeholders were engaged with lung cancer screening in Australia

Expert perspective: How key stakeholders were engaged with lung cancer screening in Australia

  • Videos
Professor Dorothy Keefe, CEO of Cancer Australia, explains how their national lung cancer screening enquiry had stakeholder engagement as one of its founding principles.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Expert perspective: How sharing best practices promotes quality in the US

  • Videos
Dr Joelle Fathi, Chief Healthcare Delivery Officer of the GO2 Foundation, US discusses their Screening Centers for Excellence programme, which helps drive quality to ensure optimal care for screening participants.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Expert perspective: How effective recruitment strategies were designed in New Zealand

  • Videos
Sue Crengle from the University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand, details how she carried out important research into inclusive approaches to recruitment for such programmes with Māori communities.
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Proposed amendments to the EU Commission draft recommendation on cancer screening (2022)

Proposed amendments to the EU Commission draft recommendation on cancer screening (2022)

  • Policy submissions
The inclusion of targeted lung cancer screening in the EU Commission’s draft recommendation 'A new approach on cancer screening' is welcome, but aspects of the proposal could be strengthened to fully reflect the wealth of evidence available to guide the implementation of targeted LDCT screening for lung cancer in the EU. The Lung Cancer Policy Network has highlighted three specific areas in which the recommendations could be amended.
EU call for evidence: cancer screening recommendation update (2022)

EU call for evidence: cancer screening recommendation update (2022)

  • Policy submissions
The Lung Cancer Policy Network submitted this response to the EU Commission as part of the call for evidence to update the 2003 guidance on cancer screening. We called for targeted lung cancer screening, through low-dose computed tomography, to be included in the EU screening recommendations.
Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority

Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority

  • Videos
In this video, LCPN members discuss the evidence to support the implementation of targeted lung cancer screening and introduce the Network's broader goals.
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Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority (Deutsche)

Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority (Deutsche)

  • Videos
In this video, LCPN members discuss the evidence to support the implementation of targeted lung cancer screening and introduce the Network's broader goals.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority (Español)

  • Videos
In this video, LCPN members discuss the evidence to support the implementation of targeted lung cancer screening and introduce the Network's broader goals.
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Video Journal of Oncology Lung Channel

Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority (Français)

  • Videos
In this video, LCPN members discuss the evidence to support the implementation of targeted lung cancer screening and introduce the Network's broader goals.
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Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority (Polski)

Why lung cancer screening should be a global policy priority (Polski)

  • Videos
In this video, LCPN members discuss the evidence to support the implementation of targeted lung cancer screening and introduce the Network's broader goals.
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Introductory video to the interactive map of lung cancer screening

Introductory video to the interactive map of lung cancer screening

  • Videos
This video outlines the functionality of the interactive map of lung cancer screening.
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