22 August 2024

To support lung cancer advocates in communicating key messages to decision-makers, this week the Network has published two-page summaries of its three major reports: Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation; Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care; and Increasing the earlier detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change.

These briefs are designed to be easily digestible, so time-poor policymakers can quickly understand what’s at stake and why it’s crucial for them to prioritise lung cancer.

The summaries were developed in response to an observation from Network members: that low awareness among policymakers is a key factor in the limited focus on lung cancer screening and other early detection strategies.

The new resources – part of our ever-expanding policy engagement activities – follow the launch of several figures and lung cancer FAQs earlier this month.

We hope these materials prove useful to Network members and other stakeholders looking to engage with policymakers and demonstrate the importance of making lung cancer an urgent policy priority.

Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation - summary

This fully referenced, two-page document summarises the Network's report Lung cancer screening: learning from implementation


Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care - summary

This fully referenced, two-page document summarises the Network's report Care pathways for lung cancer: building a foundation for optimal care


Increasing the early detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change - summary

This fully referenced, two-page document summarises the Network's report Increasing the early detection of lung cancer: a toolbox for change


Recent news

Case study

Implementing a national screening programme for lung cancer in South Korea

Implementing a national screening programme for lung cancer in South Korea

With insights from Network member Yeon Wook Kim, we look at the key steps taken to implement the national screening programme for lung cancer in South Korea.


Join European lung cancer experts in Paris to explore how screening implementation can be optimised

Join European lung cancer experts in Paris to explore how screening implementation can be optimised

On 27 March, the Lung Cancer Policy Network will host a panel discussion and networking event to coincide with the European Lung Cancer Congress (ELCC) 2025.

Case study

Lung cancer screening in the Middle East and Africa: using the Network framework to facilitate implementation

Lung cancer screening in the Middle East and Africa: using the Network framework to facilitate implementation

The Lung Ambition Alliance Middle East and Africa (LAA MEA) Chapter has used the Network’s framework to develop recommendations across priority areas for lung cancer screening in the region.