Overview of Domain 5

Domain 5 focuses specifically on the protocol for screening, supporting those responsible for implementing the programme in considering how to achieve consistency. This is particularly important where more than one screening centre is involved. In addition, this domain looks at how to integrate a screening programme into other aspects of care, how to monitor the safety of screening for participants, and how to introduce other interventions, such as smoking cessation, to the screening pathway.

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Assessment framework key questions

In this domain, metrics are designed to assess:

Screening protocols

  • what protocols and parameters will be used when establishing the technical requirements for the delivery of LDCT screening
  • how to manage other conditions detected incidentally during LDCT screening for lung cancer, including the referral process

Quality assurance and safety

The quality control of LDCT screening, including processes for:

  • assuring that screening meets all regulatory and safety requirements
  • determining whether specific accreditation or experience is required for those involved in delivering the programme

Integration with smoking cessation

  • how smoking cessation might be integrated into the screening pathway, who would be eligible, and which healthcare professionals would be involved in delivering the interventions

Corresponding policy brief

When planning for the implementation of a lung cancer screening programme, it is essential to develop a clear protocol. To help those planning to implement screening programmes, we have published a policy brief focused on the importance of developing a clear protocol for LDCT screening.
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'We need to share knowledge and support each other in building on the lessons learned in our implementation of lung cancer screening, to ensure that it is consistently high-quality across different facilities.'

Dr Joelle Fathi, GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer

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